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SonicStage questions comments

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I have recently updated to SonicStage 3.3. Normally I do not think much of Sony's software. However this time around things seem to be looking up. 3.3 seems to be a little more mature. It runs smoother and faster on my system. I like what I see but I have some questions.

Question 1. When importing an album into the library from a cd, are the file converted in any way? Do they remain pure wave files? So to say that if one where to burn an audio cd straight from the library, using SonicStage, would there be any quality loss from the original cd?

Question 2. I know that Simple Burner runs in the background of your system by default. I also know that this can be disabled. If you look in your control panal/administrative tools/services you will see sony in a few different places. The start up for these listings looks as if they're all set to manual (as long as you have already disabled Simple Burner). So as far as I can tell SonicStage/Simple Burner seem as if they're perfectly clean of background services. Am I correct?

Edited by betavision
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You have to set the format (buried under Tools/Options/CD Drive Settings/CD importing/Select Format) to .wav. That supposedly should do it. But I just did that with a Stevie Wonder album and it's giving the file sizes as something like 2.5 MB per song, which ain't .wav. Even if you can get SonicStage to import full .wav files--and it says it will, so maybe I missed a setting somewhere--it is going to take a lot of hard-drive space.

I don't like to trust SonicStage with anything I don't have to. Why not just copy the CD itself, or use CDex to extract the audio into a folder, then burn the tracks you want onto a CD.


Meanwhile, at least one background process is running: SSaaD.exe . Even if you take it out of Startup, it keeps coming back.

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RE: what format SS converts to when you're importing from CD - there's a button at the right-hand side there, between the CD import window nd the library window .. that lets you select what bitrate to import at. You can choose atrac3, atrac3plus, WAV, MP3, or WMA formats in various bitrates.

The button looks a bit like a cassette tape, and under it displays what format and bitrate are currently selected.

See here:

IPB Image

If you click that button, you get a dialogue like this:

IPB Image

I would have used attachments here, but I'm not allowed to.

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