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Question regarding bit rates

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i was wonder if there is anyway for me to know what bitrate is being used on my MD player. i can convert a file within SS but i cant seem to change the one on the md player. im using LP2, is that maybe the different bitrates? LP2 sounds good while LP4 sounds quite bad to me. i think that maybe the different ones, however, do the MD players play ATRAC3Plus? i want to know because i converted a file from mp3 to Atrac3Plus at 48kbps and it sounded really good, i want to use that on my MD player because im averaging 20 - 30 songs per MD. anyway, thanks a lot for the forums. im glad i found them!

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What model is your unit?

It sounds like you have an older MD. It offers three formats: SP (which runs the length printed on the disc, 74 or 80 minutes), LP2 (twice the length printed on the disc, 148 or 160 minutes), and LP4 (four times the length printed on the disc, 296 minutes or 320 minutes).

The bitrates are: Standard ATRAC ("SP") is 292kbps, LP2 is 132kbps, LP4 is 66kbps. LP2 is probably the minimum acceptable for music--LP4 is decent for speech. You can set SonicStage or Simple Burner to convert to LP2.

ATRAC3plus was introduced with Hi-MD, after your unit was made. It's not available on the older MD units.

There's a lot more technical information here.


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i have model MZ-NF520D. it was bought in 2004, at that time i could have gotten a Hi-MD but didnt have 300 dollars, lol. my brother lost the original install disc for it with sonic stage and simple burner :unsure: , but i do know that the version of sonic stage on that disc was 2.0. i downloaded 3.3 off of sony's website and that works perfectly. my question was answered thank you very much. i just wanted to know if i could use the atrac3+ and i guess not. oh well, it works perfectly for what i do. 240 minutes on a md is great. LP4 does sound bad for music, LP2 is like mp3 if not better so ill just stick to that. thanks again for the reply. :D

edit.... i found something kinda interesting. read the features here on my md player here http://www.minidisco.com/mz-nf520d.html

Edited by brian10161
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