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722/MT/Hi-MD comparo

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is there a full review with more detail up anywhere?

I wish there were, I'm still looking. I found this on the Nature Recordists newsgroup. They have very specific requirements which closely resemble my own with classical instrument recording. Interesting stuff! The 722 is king of the hill, but costs a lot of money...


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Did you watch the movie?

To be frank, I didn't find the comparison very useful.

When doing a comparison like this, the lowest common denominator should be the one that is most directly compared, i.e. all equipment in the highest sampling rates and bit depths that -all- of them support, i.e. 44.1kHz, 16-bit. You should also use exactly the same mic with exactly the same preamp set to exactly the same gain for all tests with all equipment. The movie itself just confuses this by putting things in a completely nonsensical order that basically makes direct comparison impossible.

I admire the effort of the tester but find his methodology lacking. The results are basically useless.

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I've seen this site before, somewhere, perhaps on a random Google search. Anyway, I haven't downloaded quicktime on this laptop yet but I'm pretty sure what you're speaking of and I somewhat agree with Dex.

I do however like this tutorial they've made -- http://www.uwm.edu/~type/420_Field_Audio/S...0SetUpSteps.pdf

That's excellent information for the novice recording enthusiast. If you backtrack on the url and check out some of the indexes it seems to be a pretty bulky archive of live recording information.

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The order in which the devices are presented is a bit odd, but I found it very interesting anyway, and definitely shows how poor the MT preamps are, and how well a HiMD recorder can perform. All mics were the same. This was a real-world test designed for real world nature recordists. ;)

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