Kaoru Posted December 25, 2005 Report Share Posted December 25, 2005 I've had a MZ-N10 for about 2 and a half years but it got stolen.. i loved it At the moment i've been deciding what unit i want to get, i don't like the new designs for the Hi-MD units at all.. i find 'em tasteless Guess i'm a sucker for designs.. As of yet, i've been looking at MZ-E10 but the only thing thats holding me back is that it does not record.. its just a player, if i were to get a deck then i could do my recordings from there but since i'm not rich or don't have the amount at the moment to spend that much.. i guess i just like the idea of transfering music, etc through pc.For a bit i did liked MZ-NH1 because of its design is the best out of the whole Hi-MDs out there at the moment i feel.. i don't really like the remote cuz of its size.. and definately the battery location since it seem to be always get on my way when i press the other buttons on the side Sorry i sounded like a real complain er.. which i probably am.. Thanks in advance for taking your times to replie ^~^薫 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikami Posted December 26, 2005 Report Share Posted December 26, 2005 (edited) Seasons Greetings Kaoru, (1) Simply, buy the MZ-E10; the unit you like.That should take care of your on the road music playing needs and be aesthetic pleasing to you. (2) Then buy the (DS-HMD1) Pit-in HI-MD data drive and music transfer device.If you can find this device or order it to your country then you will be able to use Sonic Stage and simple burner to trasfer music from your PC to HI-MD media or to normal MD. A review of the DS-HMD1 can be found here: http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=10249 See you later, MikamiP.S.Have you had a look at the Sony's late fall 2005 HI-MD player units? Here are some links with pictures and reviews:A nice overview of them both:http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showt...st=entry74042MZ-EH70 Bluehttp://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=13080Sony MZ-EH50 pink http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=13651Super Post script:By the way I do not think anyone could be into MiniDisc with out being a little picky or an Audiophile of some type. では御機嫌よう。 三上でございます Edited December 26, 2005 by Mikami Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tekdroid Posted December 26, 2005 Report Share Posted December 26, 2005 I've had a MZ-N10 for about 2 and a half years but it got stolen.. i loved it At the moment i've been deciding what unit i want to get, i don't like the new designs for the Hi-MD units at all.. i find 'em tasteless Since when was painting plastic silver considered tasteless? (silver that will inevitably start coming off, with enough wear..). And gloss surfaces that are very easy to scratch and fingerprint? You don't like these? Haha. I agree They are shocking.Guess i'm a sucker for designs.. As of yet, i've been looking at MZ-E10 but the only thing thats holding me back is that it does not record.. its just a player, if i were to get a deck then i could do my recordings from there but since i'm not rich or don't have the amount at the moment to spend that much.. i guess i just like the idea of transfering music, etc through pc.Get a real recorder For a bit i did liked MZ-NH1 because of its design is the best out of the whole Hi-MDs out there at the moment i feel.. i don't really like the remote cuz of its size.. and definately the battery location since it seem to be always get on my way when i press the other buttons on the side Sorry i sounded like a real complain er.. which i probably am.. Thanks in advance for taking your times to replie ^~^Straight up I will tell you the button placement (and size of buttons) on the MZ-NH1 is just not right - I really dislike the notion that 'looks' somehow mean worse functionality and have never subscribed to that design logic. I knew this going in, though (I'm very fussy about ergonomics) but the unit offers me features the others don't. The only advantage (to me) with this model's main unit design is:*controlling it in your pocket with your thumb is easier with the side "5-way Control Key" (but I can't imagine many using that when travelling when they have the remote - I certainly don't). On the desk:The 5-way control key is just annoying to control with 'cause of it's placement. Another case of using the remote again. The MZ-NH1 pretty much relies on the remote. It's a 'feature' of its design The battery cover on the side I don't find a problem with when I press the buttons on the side. It just sits there and can its flatness can be be felt easily in the pocket and easily noticed on the desk, if that's how you control it. The remote is, on the whole, quite usable (and has the most detailed display). The other buttons on the main unit (MENU, GROUP, TMARK) are just small and poorly-designed, if you ask me. I need more surface area on my buttons (and more logical placement and surface area, and more tactile feel, ideally).Each Hi-MD model has its strengths and weaknesses in the design department. But none of them are anything special to me. The MZ-N10 (main unit) that you had looks closer to my ideal of unit design & functionality than any current Hi-MD model. It's a shame that it's not a Hi-MD model, though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikami Posted December 26, 2005 Report Share Posted December 26, 2005 (edited) Get a real recorder Hmm, that's funny, but true and a must at, some point if, Kaoru wants to do any live recording. Well, there are some cheaper Hi-MD recorders out there, but they may not be as aestheticly pleasing as the older Net-MD units were for some(not to mention that the newer recorders make use of plastic, which is why the full magnesium bodied MZ-NH1 is still a favorite even through it's faults)See this link for more opinions on the best HI-MDhttp://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=11777 . So, Kaoru are you just going to settle with one of the current Hi-MD recorders, wait for a new Hi-MD recorder to come out, or buy one the most recently made old school NET-MD or MDLP models? For example: Sony MZ-N920 (Sony's 2004 NET-MD recorder/player) http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-N920.html or theSharp MD-DR77(Sharps 2004 MDLP recorder/plaer unit non-net MD)http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sharp_MD-DR77.html(Both of the above units were still on sale and being manufactured at the time in which this post was written) では御機嫌よう 三上です。P.S.I really do not find any faults with the MZ-NH1 esp when it is used with it's cool remote. Edited December 26, 2005 by Mikami Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaoru Posted December 26, 2005 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2005 Many thanks for taking your times to reply Thanks Mikami for introducing DS-HMD1 to me, which opens a wider selection for me to choose. It is an excellent unit itself, definately worth the money to invest in for any MD fan - which i'm proud to say am But i still haven't made up my mind as of yet to go with Net-MD/MDLP or High-MD.. in the whole design view, i'll probably still choose MZ-N10 or E10; as for the whole new Hi-MD storage function's another story..If i were to buy another MZ-N10 then i probably won't buy DS-HMD 1.. i'm not sure what the up coming models will be like from sony, since i thought sony has stopped with their MD series and moved away from it. I was quite disappointed at them at the time when they seem to have reduced MD productions..As for MD units, i think i'll stick with sony'. I know Hi-MD can give off better quality sounds, better compressions, etc.. also sony's new High-MD series seem to have one thing in common, the white remote/white ness which i do like quite a bit Get a real recorder I did thought of getting one of the 3 deckers available here, but even for a MDSJE480 is about $600, MDSJE780/S's about $1000 and MDSJB980/S's going for about $1300. It would be an excellent choice to get a MDSJB980/S since it supports usb to pc, QS recording, Digital Filter, R-Core Transformer, etc..But bottom line - $$ so then i go back to High-MDs since quality sound compression has been improved vs MDLP/Net-MD.Qualia 017 MD unit is suppose to be "UP" there.. but then, i don't think i can afford a $1900USD unit at this stage 薫 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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