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Annoying icons on Media Files

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I uninstalled CONNECT Player, because all my media files opened up in it, rather than Windows Media Player. I also noticed, that when I go to open my media files, instead of the usual Windows Media icon that appeared, with the arrow surrounded by the Windows colors, it's the purple circle associated with CONNECT Player.

I've also experienced this problem with RealPlayer too. I'm just wondering if there's any way of changing the icons back to Windows Media?

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There was no need to uninstall it, since this is not the programs fault as well, partly.

Open windows exlporer, then tools --> folder options, then file types tab at the top

Let it search for the files, then go find the mp3 format, in the list, and click on mp3 once, at the bottom of that window you will see the details.

Since it is different since you want it to be, click change. then select the program you want to open your mp3 files with.

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