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umd size relative to md

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Sorry if this has been posted before but i just want give my 2cents.

What really bums me out is that umd's physical recordable surface area is smaller than hi-md's/md but offering 1.8gig of memory space, while minidiscs' currently offer up to only 1gig in comparison to umd. Sony should have improved upon the hi-md and use it for psp so mds can survive. What about piracy you say? They could actually put restrictions e.g. Data MDs to prevent piracy or any homebrew applications. What would please my ears is to hear higher capacity hi-mds(like everybody else)since it is just ever so slighty bigger than umds. Or if not possible to expand hi-md's capacity, make portable umd recorder/players exactly like md players, with all the features and capabilities (although i like hearing higher capacity mds more than umd recorder/players), and now an umd recorder is out oh no! To solve that problem uncrackable restrictions to burn only music, and nothing else. Thats all! Now let us debate.

Edit: whoops forgot to say that for umd and md physical size comparison just go to the Gallery tab at the top and search: umd.

Edited by Sparda
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