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Poll: User replacable batteries or better software?

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The reason I'm asking this, is because I may want to get an mp3 player for my car. Since I'm getting my mothers car, she doesn't want me to remove the stereo. So I'm getting a wired FM modulator. My choice is with the mp3 player. I don't want to get an mp3 player which has a built in battery which forces you to send it to the manufacturer and have it replaced at $50/battery. BUT..they do have software which is easier to use then sonic stage.

So..I'd like peoples opnion..If you had to choose one of these, which one would you choose?

1) Easy to use stable software + non-user replacable batteries

2) Crappy software + user-replacable batteries.

This is the choice I have to make.

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Have you actually used Sonic Stage or Simple Burner. Both are EASY to use, .both will do what you need to do, which is put music onto a device. Decide what you want and go for it, I use my NH1 all the time in a couple of vehicles, either with a casette adapter, or an adapter cable, works just fine.

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if you just want an mp3 player for use in a car with an FM transmitter, why not get a generic mp3 player with a AAA battery and it shows up as a removeable disk in windows explorer? that would be the best of both worlds. but i dont see what the problem is with sonic stage, a lot of people say they have problems with it, when its usually just a software conflict on their computer. i have used sonicstage for a long time, and the only problem i had was when i installed windows media player 10 after installin ss 2.1 and ss2.1 wouldnt launch, so i reinstalled ss and it worked. i later upgraded to 3.3 and what a difference, i could transfer my mp3s <_< but anyway, if you want to get a minidisc player, theres no problem with sonic stage. so i dont see what your worried about. -_- my creative labs zen nano plus came with software but i dont use it because the mp3 player shows up as a removeable disc in Explorer. so theres no need for software.


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if you just want an mp3 player for use in a car with an FM transmitter, why not get a generic mp3 player with a AAA battery and it shows up as a removeable disk in windows explorer? that would be the best of both worlds. but i dont see what the problem is with sonic stage, a lot of people say they have problems with it, when its usually just a software conflict on their computer. i have used sonicstage for a long time, and the only problem i had was when i installed windows media player 10 after installin ss 2.1 and ss2.1 wouldnt launch, so i reinstalled ss and it worked. i later upgraded to 3.3 and what a difference, i could transfer my mp3s <_< but anyway, if you want to get a minidisc player, theres no problem with sonic stage. so i dont see what your worried about. -_- my creative labs zen nano plus came with software but i dont use it because the mp3 player shows up as a removeable disc in Explorer. so theres no need for software.


I think it has been pretty well established from simply reading the posts in the forums that Sonic Stage has glaring problems working on varying systems. I don't think it is necessarily the fault of the users either because of what softwares that SS is conflicting with. I have used multitudes of music related programs and only the very poorly written shareware softwares usually have problems. MMJB is bloated with code but runs quite well. I just wish they supported MD in their Portable Device Manager module.

Sony needs to cough up the code to a third party developer if they cannot build a steady GUI themselves.

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im speeking from experience with multiple computers and iv never had any major problems that are described on this site. i have had "problems" but theyre something i have done like for instance doing something stupid like cancelling a recording or something along the lines of that. but you are right, there is software out there written way better than this software, but this runs good if you take care to not doing anything to dumb. so i think the best thing to do, is just use the software for its intended purpose. but other than that, you can expect problems. but im just giving my opinion here. so dont take any offense from what i say :(


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im speeking from experience with multiple computers and iv never had any major problems that are described on this site. i have had "problems" but theyre something i have done like for instance doing something stupid like cancelling a recording or something along the lines of that. but you are right, there is software out there written way better than this software, but this runs good if you take care to not doing anything to dumb. so i think the best thing to do, is just use the software for its intended purpose. but other than that, you can expect problems. but im just giving my opinion here. so dont take any offense from what i say :(


Oh no offense taken. I just thought it was pretty well established that it is a crap shoot if you are lucky to not have problems. I do get the job done by getting music onto the player. It just takes a lot of attempts at uploading and restarting the software before getting the connection to be well established.

Personally it sounds like the intended purpose is for listening to music in the car, I would go the HD/Flash player route. I agree that not allowing the user to change their own batteries is a dumb move. It would be a simple enough task to add a removable cover to change it. I think that will be fixed in the future. I haven't personally talked to too many users that have had problems yet with their batteries and some of them are 1st Gen users. I assume you are refferring to the Ipod. You may want to check out the Atraclife forums and read up on the Sony Network walkmans if you are in the market for just a player and do not need the recording functions of MD. I'm not sure if they still use SS or the Connect Player to upload music. I've heard Connect Player has it share of issues too but I do not have personal experience.

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