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ooh,,, ouch... old skool minidisc - ebay addiction may happen

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I hope I dont get too adicted to ebay, Panaasonic SJ-MR220 plus 26 discs arrived today for the small sum of 32 pounds!

Just HOW? can one purchase such a beautiful bit of kit that is absolutely mint (not a single mark) - boxed, all accessories, and 26 minidiscs for so little money?

The 220 is such a nice piece of kit, tiny, stylsh, sounds sweet and the touch pad is really quite interesting and unique.

Thought I'd start a thread as I'm am rather chuffed I hope to get some pics up soon, despite the fact it is not really a current unit and all the fuss is over HI-MD. Still I wlll be posting in 3 years time when I get a RH-10 for 32 quid!

How cheap can these beautiful bits of kit become? It is almost criminal not to buy them at the price I just picked the 220 up at

I think I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a tiny SONY. R909 may be next on my list.



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Agreed Pug, I got the MZ-R91 for £25 (including P&P) with 30 md's and some sony MDR-EX71SL headphones. I bought this unit back in '99 for £249! You can get some great players at cheap prices because no-one really wants MD these days

P.S. Whats the link to your purchase, I would like to see what you got!

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Just re-read my post... hmm that post is an example of what happens when you get home from Friday night beers to find a mint condition unit on your doorstep.

Link for auction: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=5869433572

I must admit I don't normally keep hold of the boxes for my minidiscs, but now I kind of wish I did - even the box for this unit holds a certain amount of nostagia and excitement - (sad aren't I?)



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