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Electric Lucifer by Bruce Haack

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I have the album but it is beyond repair.

I am wondering if anyone can help me out. I would really like to get the tracks from this great album. It came out on cd as well.

Can anyone out there help me? I tried edonkey and others, no luck.

I hope its ok to post this, if not, please delete.

You can email me at kron123(at) cogeco.ca


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Does it still have the colourd part of the logo art on the disc cover?

(on the top side)

If not there is no hope!

Just hold it up to the light and see if you can see through the disc in somewhere you wouldn't normaly...

If you can't see any un-usaual gaps in that coloured part you need something like "CD Doctor" Avalable in The source cc In canada!

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