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MZNH1 Battery charging issues

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I am a happy owner of MZNH1 but recently it developed somewhat strange battery charging issue. The unit is roughly 1,8 months old. Normally, when i'd completely drain the battery and then put it back onto charging cradle unit always read 60 minutes. But now when battery is completely empty unit only shows 30 min charging time?! I have tried several times to charge it full and let it completely drain but it still only shows 30 min when back on the cradle. Strangest thing is that it would still continously run for some 16 hours (132 kbps). I have also tried resetting the unit by removing the battery overnight. Has anyone else here encountered similar issue? Is my battery about to die or is there some other problem with the unit?

Kind Regards

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Try cleaning the terminals on the battery (Page 77 Of the manual)

It takes 3 hours to fully charge the battery...

In 1 hour it only charges 80% and with the other 2 hours it charges to 100%... (Normal to Lithium Ion)

If it was me I woulden't worry about it... Just self time the charge for 3 hours...

And another thing....

Lithium Ion Batterys don't like to be fully drained before charging... (only partly) every nown again it is a good Idea to but as general use is concerned don't fully drain them!

Hope that helps! :)

Edited by danielbb90
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I have had a problem with nh1 battery charging also, but with different symptoms. You may have a different issue but here goes anyway:

On one occasion I found that the nh1 would not start to charge at all.

In the end, I took the battery out of the nh1 and left the unit aside for a night. In the morning, about 12 hours later, I put the battery back in and it worked fine.

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As has been stated.

1h fast charge to 80%, this is what the display shows the time for

further 2h to charge to 100% on a new or nearly new battery.

Older batteries may take longer than 3h to charge if they have never been fully charged. Personally I would leave the unit on charge overnight to make sure it is fully charged. Li-ion chargers automatically stop the charge when the battery is full no matter how long it takes so it is safe to leave it charging for extended periods (e.g. overnight) as long as you do use it frequently.

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