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DVD burners imported from Japan ok for use in European Computer>?

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If it's internal, it will be fine. Power voltage in your PC is dependent on your PC's power supply, not on individual devices. The only thing to worry is probably DVD-video region, since Japan is region 2 (DVD data has no region, so don't worry about that). However, pretty much any software DVD player allow you to change the region of your drive up to 4 times, and it's quite easy to rip and burn a region free copy of movies.

Edited by pata2001
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Yeah, my BenQ 1650 is a european drive but lets you change the region up to 4 times. Do you know by any chance if there is a standard time for electronics that are out in japan for them to come out in europe? I am trying to find out when the pioneer DVR-A11 will be released to europe.

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