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Observations: RM-MZR30MP on RH710

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I just disassembled an MZR30MP, hooked it up to some test gear and found the same resistor values as described here.

They are:

Prev/Back 1000

Next/Forward 3627

Pause 5156

Stop 7050

Volume - 8400

Volume + 9900

Track Mark 11900

Then I connected it to my 2nd generation Hi-MD player (RH710) and found out that:

  • Prev/Back works 100%
  • Next/Forward works, but it does not start playback when in stop mode
  • Stop, Volume up and Volume down work 100%
  • Pause doesn't pause, but instead seems to jump through groups in inverse order
  • Track Mark also seems to be group function now, it jumps from group to group in forward order
Quite interesting. Does anyone know what resistor values are needed for Hi-MD players to:
  1. Play
  2. Pause
?? Would be great if you could tell me. I don't own a Hi-MD remote and therefore cannot measure the resistances myself. Edited by yoda_143
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Allthough I don't understand a word of what's written there, I sure can read the table -very usefull information- thx for the link MDfreak

It also matches my obeservations of old "track mark" being new "group+" and old "pause" being new "group-"

Edited by yoda_143
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