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According to Google, MD most searched for in...

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So I've been using the new Google Trends service to see where the most Google searches for MiniDisc originate. The rankings are based on the number of Google searches for a given term relative to the total number of searches from that city or country (using IP address analysis).

It would seem that Bletchley, in Buckinghamshire, searches for minidisc more than any other city on earth. Having cracked the German Enigma Code at Bletchley Park, I suppose it is logical that they should be on the cutting edge of technology :-) Actually, what I didn't know is that the Milton Keynes area today is a 'purpose-built, high technology city' (Wikipedia), so it all makes sense.

Where Hi-MD is concerned, it would seem that Chiyoda, Osaka and Tokyo lead the way with number of searches as a proportion of total Google searches.

The helpful charts that Google Trends produces shows us that interest in Hi-MD seems to have peaked in 2004 and that both the MiniDisc and Hi-MD trends seem to be headed in the wrong direction. :-(

It is also possible to break it down by country or linguistic community. For example, the UK and Ireland search the most for MiniDisc, while Japan searches the most for Hi-MD. Additionally, you can compare the volume of MiniDisc vs. Hi-MD searches, but I don't recommend comparing them against iPod search volumes. You'll find that even in Japan the number of MiniDisc searches is almost insignificant when compared to iPod searches.

How accurate Google's geographic analysis of IP addresses is and what this tells us about MiniDisc I couldn't say, but there are worse ways to kill off the dying hours of a lazy Sunday ;-)

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Fascinating! Thanks! Any way of gauging RH1 interest that way?

There doesn't seem to be a lot of data yet. The RH1 hasn't existed in the public domain for very long, and Google Trends works only with trends and proportions and doesn't give any absolute numbers. So you can see that interest is spiking now, but only relative to the fact that it didn't exist in the popular imagination only two months ago. It doesn't show us exactly how many people are searching for it, just that more are searching for it now than were when it didn't exist ;-) Over time trends will emerge, and it could be compared against other models, but for now there's not too much to look at. It's currently more popular than the RH-10 at any rate...

Google Trends results:



RH1 & MZ-RH1

MZ-RH10 vs. MZ-RH1

Edited by Belletristik
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