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1 disc converted to wav. equals 6gigs...is this normal?

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Hi, I am trying to capture about 20 discs so I can edit them. I downloaded the drivers, captured, and converted but a 1gig disc rendered into 6gigs of wavs. is this normal. Yes, the disc had a lot of audio, but that just seems excessive. Thanks in advance.

T. Higgins

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wav = PCM --> 1.4Mbps (+/- 1411kbps)

so it depends on what bitrate the disc was recorded in but as

HiSP = 256kbps

HiLP = 64kbps (or was it 48kbps...I never use this myself so feel free to correct me)

you know that 1gb = 8 hours of HiSP and a 80 min CD (in wav/PCM) is already 700MB so just do the maths (the maths done here are done with very rough rounding and very crudely and could therefore be prone to faults):

8x60 = 480 minutes / 80 = 6 CD's worth of stuff so 6x700MB = 4+ gb

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The method I have started to use since the DRM restrictions have been lifted somewhat is this (for Hi-SP):

- Title tracks on Hi-MD using SonicStage.

- Upload titled tracks to PC.

- Select all uploaded tracks in My Library, right-click and select "Convert Format..."

- Select "OpenMG Audio (ATRAC3plus)", Bit rate - 256 kbps, leave check box for "Add copy protection" unchecked. Click "Convert".

- Close SonicStage, go to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\SonicStage\Packages\Optimized Files" and copy the unDRMed files to a safe location along with a copy of MarC's HiMDRenderer.

The files shown in SonicStage can now be deleted, as they contain DRM and cannot be transferred to another computer etc. and then converted to WAV.

The converted files are identical copies of the originals (not transcoded) without DRM, MarCs HiMD renderer can then be used at any point to convert these OMA files to WAV.

I stopped converting directly to WAV once the DRM restictions were lifted because it can add up (as you see) to a pretty big waste of space when converting Hi-SP Atrac3+ files to WAV.

Edited by raintheory
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The method I have started to use since the DRM restrictions have been lifted somewhat is this (for Hi-SP):

- Title tracks on Hi-MD using SonicStage.

- Upload titled tracks to PC.

- Select all uploaded tracks in My Library, right-click and select "Convert Format..."

- Select "OpenMG Audio (ATRAC3plus)", Bit rate - 256 kbps, leave check box for "Add copy protection" unchecked. Click "Convert".

- Close SonicStage, go to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\SonicStage\Packages\Optimized Files" and copy the unDRMed files to a safe location along with a copy of MarC's HiMDRenderer.

The files shown in SonicStage can now be deleted, as they contain DRM and cannot be transferred to another computer etc. and then converted to WAV.

The converted files are identical copies of the originals (not transcoded) without DRM, MarCs HiMD renderer can then be used at any point to convert these OMA files to WAV.

I stopped converting directly to WAV once the DRM restictions were lifted because it can add up (as you see) to a pretty big waste of space when converting Hi-SP Atrac3+ files to WAV.

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