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do-it-yourself mounting sp-bmc-2 in earphones

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i just got an sound professionals sp-bmc-2 mic (in addition to an mz-m100, the sony mic, headphones, etc.). first off, let me just say that that first personal binaural experience is amazing. i stepped into the bedroom to get away from the computer noise and test the mic out. i tried putting the in my ears (just that bottom part, not the canal). and during the recording, my girlfriend in the living room called out to me. then i listened to the recording. as you could guess, when i heard her call out in the recording, i thought she was calling out again. i listened to the recording again, and i was *still* almost fooled. then i had my girlfriend listen to the recording and she was totally freaked out, too. :D

anyhow, i'm impressed enough to really want to be able to mount them in my ears for recording in public (new york city streets, you know . .). anyhow, i was thinking that it shouldn't be impossible to just take a cheap set of in ear earphones, break out the speakers, and insert the mics. tough part, of course, being that most earphones aren't meant to be broken. so, i was wondering if anyone had tried anything like this with any success? i got the sp-bmc-2 rather than the earphone mounted version so i had some versatility. so, of course, i don't want to permanently mount them. but a construction with lots of electrical tape is plausible.

also, protecting the mics in public is important, too. any tips on that?

thanks, all. and thanks for the months of reading i've enjoyed on these boards that *finally* lead me to buying the equipment.

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hace a look for mic mounting tips by greenmachine (follow the link in my signature) and also one by myself (just look for threads created by me, through my profile page)

there's a really interesting setup with the mics mounted on glasses that is really inconspicious if you have long(ish) hair or you wear a hat or something

this positioning is (almost) as good as in-ear and much less obtrusive

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thanks for the advice, guys. i'm definitely looking forward to trying a lot of different methods, so i'll use your suggestions. although i still want to try mounting them actually in ear, also. altohugh i'm thinking i might use a cheap set of headphones (like, the type that go over your ear) to cover up the mics (and maybe for better support), rather than putting the mics inside the headphones.

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i still want to try mounting them actually in ear

The shape of your ears themselves would alter the sound reaching mics placed inside your ears. Search for "pinna" and "pinnae" to see some discussion of this.

The heavy-duty concert recorders in the jam-band world tend to put their mics overhead on stalks, out in the open air above the conversation. Though I haven't ever recorded with mics in-ear, I would think that the funnel shape of your outer ears would tend to cut highs a little compared to having the mics in the open air. That's why I would think the eyeglasses method would be better--the mics still have stereo separation mimicking the width of your ears, but without the shielding of your outer ears. If you do various methods, I'd be curious how you feel about the results.

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The shape of your ears themselves would alter the sound reaching mics placed inside your ears. Search for "pinna" and "pinnae" to see some discussion of this.

The heavy-duty concert recorders in the jam-band world tend to put their mics overhead on stalks, out in the open air above the conversation. Though I haven't ever recorded with mics in-ear, I would think that the funnel shape of your outer ears would tend to cut highs a little compared to having the mics in the open air. That's why I would think the eyeglasses method would be better--the mics still have stereo separation mimicking the width of your ears, but without the shielding of your outer ears. If you do various methods, I'd be curious how you feel about the results.

i've read, and i think taken part in a couple of those conversations. i did some research regarding the auditory system (creating a computer model of the human auditory system), so i get the basic idea. but the difference is why i want to try it out. kinda want to experience all first hand for myself. trust me, i'll experiment with various other mic positionings. (well, maybe you shouldn't trust me. sometimes i get lazy . . . :D )

thanks, though. luckily (or unluckily), i wear prescription glasses. also, even for outside the ear recording, using headphones might be a good stealth trick, although i could see them getting in the way, too. anyway, hopefully soundprofessionals will be quick about sending me the clips they forgot to ship me and i'll get to try something this weekend or next.

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