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Recorded concert, uploaded to SS, no can't track mark the concert (NO EDIT) - help...

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Title about says it. I recorded a live concert, we needed to remove a track mark, so my boyfriend said that to be safe we should upload it in SS before actually editing anything (i.e. combining tracks or adding track marks).

That's what we did, but now the WAV of the show is 803 MO, that doesn't fit on a CD... And I can't add track marks, because when I try I have "NO EDIT" that flashes...

What can I do to cut the show into songs? I usually do all the trackmarking before uploading, I hope I am not screwed? This is an important recording that I want to be able to listen to on a CD.

Please, SIMPLE is the key, because I am not very good at this. I don't have any other program than SS, some people seem to use other programs to edit WAV made from openMG files, but I don't know if they would be too complicated or expensive for me.

Thank you very much for your help!

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If you open the file in Audacity, you should easily be able to distinguish applause from music by the way the waveform looks. (If not, just play it back.) Then it's basically like using a word processor: Click on the waveform to get a cursor, hold down the shift key and move the mouse to select, then (under File) Export selection as .wav. Name it or number it if you want.

CDWave is a free program that will guess where the breaks are for you, and might make the process even easier. Get it here: http://www.milosoftware.com/cdwave/

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Thank you!

Right now, I'm trying to transfer MD to MD using headphone hole of source and mic jack of recorder. I think it will work with my 2 NH1, but when I try with my NH1 and my boyfriend NH900, there were "skips", very short, like little hiccups. Any idea why? I'm pretty sure it's not the disc, it was new... :/

I love MD when MD is easy! I guess that I still have a lot to learn even though I've been using it for 4 years...

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