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Anyone preorder RH1 from Sound Professionals?

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Hi ! I'm new here, been reading for a while. Been using a Sharp MT770 for recording my band for about 2 years. Love minidisc for live recording! Now on to the show.....

I placed my preorder for the new RH1 last Friday 6-23 with Sound Professionals. When I called them 6-28, they said the RH1's would be shipping either that day or the next day. I would get a shipping confirmation via email when it shipped. That had not happened by friday 6-30, and my order status on their website still says order processing. So, I called this afternoon, just to see what they could tell me. The recording led me to believe that they closed up shop thursday afternoon, and wouldn't reopen until next Wednesday 7-5! Anybody else in this same situation? Or, did yours get shipped from the preorder this week? I guess I'll just have to try and be patient.



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I ordered mine on 6/19, and asked them to call me when they'd be in stock so I could upgrade my shipping if necessary to have it before the long weekend. They called me Wednesday 6/28 to tell me mine would ship Thursday 6/29. I asked them to ship 2nd day air to have it Monday. They ended up shipping on Wednesday and I received it today in perfect shape (Although I haven't tried it yet since I've been letting the battery get a good charge)

Not sure what's wrong in your case, send them an email-- they responded to my emails very quickly... (granted, they won't be open for the long weekend)

Sorry you're having to wait...

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I'm in the same boat as Faulkner. I pre-ordered, tried to pin them down on a ship date, got an email saying they'd go out on Wed or Thur, and have received no email indication that the order has been shipped.

I'm a little pissed off, as it's clear that if they haven't sent it, I ain't getting it for at least another week or more...don't know if I'll be preordering from them again...

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I see that some get the best possible service, and others get left out! This is my 3rd order from them over a period of a couple of years. I guess being a repeat customer doesn't count for much. At least it's not a product that's vital to our health, only a music toy. It may have shipped out, and in the rush for the long weekend, they neglected to update the notifications. If they haven't shipped out yet, and don't get shipped until next Wednesday, we won't even get it next week!

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I ordered mine from them on Tuesday, June 27 and web site status still says "processing" also. I don't fault them for closing for a long weekend, but I *really* wish they'd shipped it in the 1-2 business days their confirmation email said it takes for in-stock items to ship. Maybe they did ship it and the site just isn't updated (wishful thinking).

If they ship on the 5th or 6th, that still should be time for it to arrive while the Spousal Unit and Offspring are out of town visiting her family. I try to plan such extravagances to arrive during their absence, as it is just one less thing I have to explain myself on (...sigh...).

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I ordered mine in June and it arrived on the 29th.

For those that have not received their unit from Sound Profesionals, what shipping method did you select? I did notice an odd thing about the email notifications from SP. All the emails are blank with an attachment called "noname". I downloaded the attachment, scanned it for viruses and opened it in a text editor. Long and behold there was my invoice and shipping notification. Maybe some of you need to take a closer look at those emails.

Edited by jrv2kgt-s
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I never got an email notification from them. That was why I called on Wednesday to see what was up. That's when I was told it would ship that day or the next. Maybe it did ship, and I was not notified this time either. I chose standard shipping. I guess I'll just have to wait 'em out. The units are probably in short supply at this time. There are some for sale on Ebay now.

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SP told me that they completely sold out of their initial shipment. It was mentioned by the sales rep that the second shipment will contain enough units to meet their current orders(as of the 26th of June). Lets not forget that this weekend is Independence Day weekend(a long one at that). So it might be until after tuesday that you will get it.

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Got mine today. Apparently Sound Professionals did a better job than I thought. The order page showed the date July 5, which I thought was their ship date....nope, it was the arrival date. So my apologies to SP for gripes in previous posts. I got it quick enough....

...it's cool, can't wait to dig in with it later on.

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My RH1 was waiting on me this afternoon. When I checked my order status on the SP site this morning, it said shipped with UPS tracking numbers. They had actually shipped it last Thursday, and didn't update the page. I'm happy, and so far very impressed with this fine little MD unit. Thank you Sound Professionals, your back on the "good list" again!

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I received my unit today one week early to my surprise!

Those guys even kindly shipped it 2nd day at no extra charge. Wow go figure. Sound Professional is right.


This thing is so very cool! I actually got chills taking it out of the box, And boy is it "small".

Hey what's up with all those magnet attachments on every single data cable? Is that really something to be concerned with using those still attached?


Gonna charge it up 3 + hours before use of course and

installed all the pc software and will later try it with the mac.

Just sharing my excitement with all those who just got theirs.

More opinions later.


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Well, helllloooo, there. Welcome home...

Had to "work from home" B) this afternoon 'cuz UPS traking site said "out for delivery" and I couldn't very well leave it sit there on the porch since our new neighbor (and his nut-job wife) seem about as trustworthy as a ... a ... never mind (an OT rant to follow, some day...)

But Baby's in good hands now. (Ordered 6/27 from SP. Shipped yesterday, arrived today.)

Don't know what I'll ever do with this "free" microphone (SP-SPSM-15 Omnidirectional) though. It's pretty small (overall length maybe 1.5 inches) and has a tiny clip which would be very useful to attach it to a shirt or a necktie, if I were a TV news anchor or something. Anyone here ever used this mic for recording live music? I suppose before listing it on eBay, I should take it out somewhere to compare results with my other mics, but...

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Yeah, I didn't know what to do with the free mic either since I always use my SP binaurals anyway. But I guess I can hand it off when I loan my other recorders out to friends now, got an MZR50, MZR70, MZN10, MZNH1 all idling now. (Well I sometimes bring the MZN10 to gigs to play my break music, recording gigs with the RH1 now. Used to record gigs with the NH1.)

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