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Nearly Free: Sony RH1 earbuds (MDR-E808SP ?)

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Maybe someone in the group likes these...the buds that come with the MZ-RH1? If so, you can have mine, in case you'd like to have a spare...just buy me a beer :D and they're yours.

Cost is: US First Class postage + a padded envelope + a pint of Guinness = $5 total.

First "Yes" posted in response takes them, and I'll PM the necessary info.

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1. They were plugged in once to confirm that they work (they do), and to confirm that I don't like the style, i.e. the left cable is shorter than the right one. I guess some people must like this design, but I think it's goofy. Sound-wise, they actually sound pretty decent, but I already have Shure E3C's and a pair of Sennheiser PX100's so I will just never use these, even as a backup.

2. There were no foam pads anywhere in the package.

3. Model #: I can find nothing on the buds, or in the packaging or manual that came with the MZ-RH1 which indicates the earbud model number. But I found the model # I used in the post title from the minidisco listing:


Hope this helps.

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Ya, in the picture those ARE MDR-E931SPs not the el cheapo 808s. However sorry, I am not interested in them without the foam pads. They are USELESS without the foam pads. However if you can aquire those foam pads (the come with the cheap $10 Sony earbuds) then those E931SPs will become a VERY good set of headphones for the price. I still can't believe how Sony cheapened out and stopped provinding the foam pads which probably cost them 0.00001 cents per pair with new units since the late 90s and now only standalone earbuds come with them.

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