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SonicStage 4 - transfers are not allowed?

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I currently go the "transfers are not allowed" msg on some of my .mp3's which all worked before today, but stopped working just now... I have no idea why. I use SS4 for my MD MZ-NFH800.

Anyone know what's wrong?

Is there an alternative to SonicStage to transfer file on my MD?

EDIT: converted to wave and problems solved.

Edited by NaMli
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some of my .mp3's which all worked before today, but stopped working just now

The problem may have been the ID tags on those mp3s. SonicStage 4.0 seems to have trouble digesting unconventional mp3 tags generated by some programs. Glad you could do it with the .wav workaround.

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I've had this problem too, and cleaning the id3 tags solved the problem. I found a freeware tag editor called Mp3 Tag Tools, google it.

Not too hard to learn how to do, it's feature "Remove Non-id3 Tags", and removing "comments" did the trick.

I'v just downloaded tag tools and stripped out the tags but it still won't let me transfer. any other ideas? thanks gerry

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I'v just downloaded tag tools and stripped out the tags but it still won't let me transfer. any other ideas? thanks gerry

I just finished tag tool-ing (lol) 11,000 tracks to fix lots of problems. I noticed, using tag tools, that some files that I always had problems transferring were not 44100hz (or whatever), so I deleted those. I suppose I could have converted but I didn't like them much anyway. Also, I noticed a few songs that I had problems with had filenames such as "1-Song Name.mp3" or "1 Song Name.mp3", and files that I've never had a problem with were all "1 - Song Name.mp3". I don't see why that made a difference, but now they transfer no problem. Oh I also made sure to copy the tag info from ID3v2.x to ID3v1.1 for all the files.

Something of note: I am amazed SonicStage ever transferred any of my Mp3 files at all, given the amount of garbage that was in the headers prior to removing it all with tag tools.

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