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SonicStage Problem!

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I have SonicStage 3.4 and when i am importing songs (any method) the program crashes and says if i want to send a report to microsoft.

I unistalled it->restart->install again and the problem is the same?

Something wrong with the database? I have only selected to scan for mp3s. I tried all the formats that it supports but it is the same.

Any suggestion, please?

Edited by caveneo
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I did that but nothing was fixed. The same problem, "Omgjbox.exe error".

I have the following installed into my system:

"SonicStage :

SonicStage Add-on for Personal Audio Download :

OpenMG Secure Module :

MagicGate Memory Stick Device :

NW-E2, NW-E3, NW-E5 and NW-E8P :

OpenMG CD :

M.S. PRO :

CD Walkman :

Hi-MD :

Music Clip, NW-S4, NW-E7 and NW-E10 :


Net MD :

CD-R Writing Module(Audio CD/ATRAC CD/MP3 CD) :

Px Engine:"

Do I need Something newer?

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That looks exactly like my SS 3.4 installation, which works fine.

Try importing one or a few mp3s at a time--scan one folder--and see if it's just choking on too many mp3s at once.

Another thought: is your hard drive close to full or are a lot of other programs running? SonicStage needs some room and CPU resources to do its conversions.

Also try changing the ID tag on one of your problem mp3s to ID3v1 (rather than v2) and keeping fields short or empty--get rid of extensive comments, etc. SonicStage 4.0 has been having problems with unconventional ID tags, and maybe your SS 3.4 does too.

Take a look at this thread.


SonicStage also can't handle very low bitrate mp3s, like 48kbps, so if that's what you're trying to import you might just be stuck.

Edited by A440
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Ok, I think I solved my problem.

Basically it was one new tune I added to my folder that I was importing from, that was causing the crash. I'm not sure what exactly was wrong with it, since the bit rate was well within limits, and the ID tag was fine. But I recoverted the mp3 with CDex, and that fixed things.

So I suggest, for anyone having this problem, to basically do what several others were saying, and try to import your files individually. Hopefully it isn't every single last one of your mp3's that are messed up in some way. Of course, you can always just reconvert your tunes just to be safe, and then try to import again.

Hopefully this will help some.

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