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Best set up for an RH1!?

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Hi guys,

I am an extremely happy RH1 user.. As of today, I am not taking full advance of the recording capabilities, however, I am expecting to use it very soon!.. In the mean while, I am enjoing the excellent sound of this unit. I also have an HD-5 and I find myself using more this unit and leaving the HD5 connected to my home rig.

I am using Senns PX-200, and I want to upgrade to something that may give me multiple sound orgasms (if you know what I mean :P ) I want to set up a pair of phones/amp? to do some more justice, while still being relatively portable.

So, I will ask you, RH1 users, the following to help me go through some options:

1- Do you use a portable amp? I guess this would depend on the Headphones (to drive them)

2- If yes, which one and why?

3- What headphones/earphones do you use? I have also a pair of shure E2C, however, I only use canal phones when on a very loud environment, so I am looking more to a headphone type.

Thanks for all your replies! :ok:

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just check the different headphone threads in my signature (especially the PX100 and D66SL links) as they explain why I like both and they also explain and link to the two cheapish but very good portable amps I own

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  The Low Volta said:

just check the different headphone threads in my signature (especially the PX100 and D66SL links) as they explain why I like both and they also explain and link to the two cheapish but very good portable amps I own

Thanks Low Volta, I checked your links.- very nice pics by the way!

Anyone else?... what are your suggestions for portable amps, headphones to use with the RH1?

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