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How does the 'Subscribe to this Forum' feature work


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Subscribing to a forum emails you when a new topic is posted, not when a reply is posted to a thread within the forum.

I disagree with you sector001, I actually like both - to be emailed when a new topic is posted (I am currently subscribed to the Live Recording forum and the Hi-MD forum)...

and I like to be emailed updates on threads that I post in.

I feel anyone who participates in a forum should set themselves up to be notified when someone posts in threads they have posted in so they can follow up if people come back and ask questions.

I wish this forum and other forums set that up by default and let users opt out to be updated via email if they choose. I think many don't know they have this option until later.

Edited by srizvi1
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It is default. It needs unchecking to cancel email notification of replies

Hmmm.. been so long I didn't remember. Well, a lot of other forums out there don't automatically subscribe you to forums you post in and send you email alerts when people reply so kudos to minidisc.org for being the leader in this.

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