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I dont think so, the EH70 is a player only so the menu structure would be like my EH1. For example; with the remote's button DISPLAY pressed for 2 sec the menu will show




I tested it with the remote mc38el and it didnt show any option to change language.

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Thanks for the reply.

I hooked up my RM-MC40ELK remote. Everything was japanese. I was able to navigate the menues and change the language to english. It works great.

I noticed that when I used the remote that came with the player, it was already in english. I do like one of the features that comes with the supplied remote (RM-MC38EL). There are two buttons that more the player forwards or backwards by group. No jog wheel though. I haven't yet discovered the way to play by group, album, etc.

I am surprised that this was never marketed in the U.S. It's a handsome unit and the sound is excellent. It is necessary to have another unit that can upload music onto a disc.



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I noticed that when I used the remote that came with the player, it was already in english. I do like one of the features that comes with the supplied remote (RM-MC38EL).

Would the 38EL even display Japanese characters? It lacks the "K" that the 40ELK has. K for Kanji. EL for electroluminescent.

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