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Minidisc to PC- Is it possible?

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Hi- I was wondering if it is possible to go from a vinyl record that I recorded on my sony NF-810 to I guess sonicstage (I have the newest version due to reading something in another post about live recordings to PC but I couln't figure it out)? I utimately would like to take this record that I recorded on my mini to iTunes and to my ipod. I'm an ipod hater somewhat but I got a 30gb for christmas that is unreturnable so I might as well try to make use of it also. Thanks in advance...jigsaw

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Your NF810 recording is either in SP, LP2 or LP4. The NF810 can't upload those formats--only the MZ-RH1 can. All you can do is record it to your computer in realtime.


Thanks for the help...I downloaded Audacity and I can record but how do you do stereo recording or does it not matter? Does the mindisc record mono in lp2 mode?

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