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MD to PC and back to MD or just MD to MD?

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Well I posted another question about a similar subject regarding copying md's.I quit uploading in SP since I learned it was only fake SP.This time I'm asking opinions on which of the following methods is better for sound quality for copying md's:

1.Real 292kbps SP MD uploaded as PCM to Sonicstage, then played on PC and sent through usb to optical adapter and re-recorded digitally onto another MD, scms being lost in translation this way.


2.Real 292kbps SP MD recorded to another MD through optical connection and an scms stripper.The old school way.If this is no better than the above method, then I can sell my scms stripper which is worth a fair chunk at $300 CDN.

I think the best method for what I want to do is still the now ancient and impossible to find MDS-W1 dual MD deck which claims to make bit for bit digital copies of md's.The only downside is it actually moved the md or song onto the other one, and erased it form the original, something the methods above don't.So i guess nothing is perfect.

Any thoughts or explanations would be appreciated...thanks! Jeremy

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