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Proper bookmarks possible NW-A1000?

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Does anyone know if there is an ability in the NWA1000 to have proper bookmarks (as opposed to the Sony description of bookmarks which appears to just be another word for 'add the current track to a playlist') i.e. to put a mark at the point in the track you are at so you can return directly to that point later (or if you switch to another track by mistake).

Before you jump on this as a "why bother, just replay the song from the start", my wife uses her A1000 to listen to audio books, as she is visually impaired. As you may imagine, an unabridged audio book might be REALLY long, and therefore broken up into maybe a couple of hundred tracks. It can be quite tricky for her if she accidentally skips track (or worse, presses the 'link' button by mistake).

Any ideas?

This has got me thinking while I type ....

Can the link button be disabled?

Also, is there a way to do a proper hold, so that you can't accidentally switch the player back on while its in your bag or pocket? (seems to be a bit of a flaw to me to have an electronic 'soft' hold button, rather than the good old slider hold you got in MD players).


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