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ATRAC ADVANCED Lossless to other formats - Tools ?

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With the impending demise of Atrac Has anybody got any suggesstions for doing a LARGE Mass conversion to another format MAINTAINING Album, Artist and Track Titles.

I've around 1000 CD's ripped which I certainly don't want to re-rip again.

Currently (in spite of the criticisms) I'm using Sonic Stage 4.3 and actually don't have any problems with it. (I don'y download music etc ==I just rip from CD's -- never been a problem with DRM and that other Crud.

The latest Sony Flash players will also play ATRAC (Still) and you vam plug them into the USB unit on the front of the latest sony car radios --works a trear.

I'm still going to be using MD even if it's the fina; end of the format for a long time yet so Atrac Advanced Lossless at least can be converted (losslessly) into other formats such as WAV etc.

I think the main conversion issue is not per se the actual mechanics of transforming one codec into another but in maintaining all the track, artist, album etc info without a bit of hassle.

Any suggestions on ATRAC (AL_ ===>WAV===>other decent codec

Preferably GUI based , must keep the "Tag" info and can run with "selections" i.e you can select what albums to convert each run.

Thanks guys


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Looks like our world is getting really crazy!!!

An ATRAC3[plus] to MP3 conversion tool is here: ftp://download.sony.com/US/portable/MP3CONVERSIONTOOL.EXE

Also works with ATRAC Advanced Lossless, though I am not sure whether it uses the lossless part. Requires SS to be installed (it needs the OpenMG Secure Module to work). KEEPS TAGS!

Edited by Avrin
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