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Yamaha MD8 Transfer Tracks to Mac

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I’ve been recording songs to my MD8 where I use 6 – 8 tracks per song. I would like to get individual tracks off the MD8 and onto my Mac.

I do not want to transfer the tracks for each song one at a time and would rather transfer all 8 tracks per song simultaneously so they’re in sync.

What software should I use to record 8 individual tracks simultaneously onto Mac?

What firewire audio interface should I get that will have 8 inputs that will work with the MD8's RCA outputs?


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I’ve been recording songs to my MD8 where I use 6 – 8 tracks per song. I would like to get individual tracks off the MD8 and onto my Mac.

I do not want to transfer the tracks for each song one at a time and would rather transfer all 8 tracks per song simultaneously so they’re in sync.

What software should I use to record 8 individual tracks simultaneously onto Mac?

What firewire audio interface should I get that will have 8 inputs that will work with the MD8's RCA outputs?


Hey Tia , I have a program for MAC that does just that , 8 Tracks at once , no bells no whistles , You will want a Firewire interface . Edirol has a 10 in 10 out that should work nicely , but the MOTU 828 would probably be a better bet also more expensive .

I can send you the programs DMG file by email . it is only 2.7 megs

What it does , is record 8 seperate tracks (that you label and assign first) into 8 seperate files ( 8 individual wav files will be on your desktop numbered and named) and ready to import into your editing software ( including Garageband )

PM me ( clik on my name and "send message " private messages you can send me your email , dont do it here . )

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