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finding it hard to sell my md equipment and discs

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Hi all. First post. Heres my sad story:

I grew up with tapes. When minidiscs came out, I thought it was the best of both worlds. The compactness of a tape, the quality of a cd. I signed up in (probably) 1999/2000. I spent God knows how long manually inputting track titles etc for my cd to md recordings. A hell of a lot of work!

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I'm now an mp3 affectionado. Have been for about five years. I like the fact that my data, and the medium used to store it, are eventually independent of each other. However...

My girlfriend wants me to get rid of all my md's. I have about 300 recordable discs. All but about 50 have albums on them, the rest are blank. What to do? I can't bring myself to sling them. The design is fantastic. I keep telling myself that one day those discs will be of use (I haven't listended to an MD in about 3 years). The question:

Is there any chance that minidiscs will be of use in the future? Maybe something similar to rockbox may pick up on minidiscs. What do you think: store or sell?


One: Are there any hi-fi hi-md decks (not portable)?

Two: All of my mp3 albums are vbr lame > 200kbs (so I have no quality worries with my favoured format).

Edited by simonh
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After having cassettes and MD for years, I'm no slowly building my CD collection. Lots of good stuff now in bargain bins and used. I mainly listen to my music as MP3's though. I got nowhere selling my old MD & cassette stuff. Even offered it for free. Eventually I just dumped it in a recycling center. I've hung on to my HiMD 700 and a couple of HiMD discs for recording. Everything else is on HD or CD now. I believe my MP3's are fine for mobile use, but are probably not up to playback through a decent HiFi. But that's why I have the CD's as high quality backup.

Edited by Sparky191
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