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Where to find people willing to mix a live recording?

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Do you know of anyone or any resource where there are people who have experience doing some post production to live tapings?

I have a Modest Mouse show with very overwhelming bass. I could do it myself, but I figure a more experienced person could do much better.

I am a recording engineer , but I live in Japan , so it would mean shipping for you .

I work on a Macintosh , and have mastering software , plus a large collection of outboard gear .

Here is an easy way to experiment for you , Download Audacity , for your OS (Windows /Mac /Linux is in the works)

then install some third party plugins, there is a 31 band EQ available somewhere , then ( depending on what MD you used) either Import , or Record to Audacity ( to record directly , set the MD audio settings to Line Out , if that is available, then hook the output of the MD to the Line input of your computer)

First hit play on the md , and double klk the record meter (top right of the window has a Mic icon (two sets of meters Play/Record) ) the meters should start moving if sound is coming in . Adjust the Rec Gain (slider by the Mic icon) so that the meters are just under 0bd . then rewind the MD , hit Record on Audacity and start the MD .( Audacity has a lot of settings for file quality , inputs , where to store stuff , they are all in Preferences, and for that read the Help file for Audacity and get to know the prog before you do anything.)

Audacity is free ,


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Guitarfxr is right--if it's just a matter of lowering the bass, you can do it yourself in Audacity, following his instructions.

However, and I'm sorry to say this, if you have distortion--if the bass just obliterates or overloads the whole recording, so that you can't hear anything but the distortion--then you aren't going to be able to fix it, and a professional won't be able to do any better.

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I am a recording engineer , but I live in Japan , so it would mean shipping for you .

I work on a Macintosh , and have mastering software , plus a large collection of outboard gear .

Here is an easy way to experiment for you , Download Audacity , for your OS (Windows /Mac /Linux is in the works)

then install some third party plugins, there is a 31 band EQ available somewhere , then ( depending on what MD you used) either Import , or Record to Audacity ( to record directly , set the MD audio settings to Line Out , if that is available, then hook the output of the MD to the Line input of your computer)

First hit play on the md , and double klk the record meter (top right of the window has a Mic icon (two sets of meters Play/Record) ) the meters should start moving if sound is coming in . Adjust the Rec Gain (slider by the Mic icon) so that the meters are just under 0bd . then rewind the MD , hit Record on Audacity and start the MD .( Audacity has a lot of settings for file quality , inputs , where to store stuff , they are all in Preferences, and for that read the Help file for Audacity and get to know the prog before you do anything.)

Audacity is free ,


Thanks for the info.

If you actually would like to mix the show, I could set up a torrent for the raw data if that works with your system.

Guitarfxr is right--if it's just a matter of lowering the bass, you can do it yourself in Audacity, following his instructions.

However, and I'm sorry to say this, if you have distortion--if the bass just obliterates or overloads the whole recording, so that you can't hear anything but the distortion--then you aren't going to be able to fix it, and a professional won't be able to do any better.

I think this recording is salvageable. I have done some tweaking in cooleditpro, and there isn't much recorded distortion other than the heavier parts creating a "rattling car stereo" distortion. Mostly it's just very boomy.

Sometimes it's hard to tell if bass roll off is needed or not, especially since I'm new to the game.

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It would be better if you Dropped the files in WAV format to a DVD (Data) just as if you were backing up your drive, and mailed it to me .

Torrents I dont open my computer to , If you were on a Mac , I could link you to my dot Mac private folder , and you could upload direct to that.

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