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Azden FMX-20 review

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Ok here is the deal , a Sony ECM23f3 , into channel 1 of the Azden field preamp .

Gain set 3/4 line out on the Azden > Line in MAcbookPro , > Audacity>(Normalize 0db, trim ends or file )> Switch Converter>mp3

No real noise redux or anything .

1 mic , mono ( center 2 channels )

Although the spec sheet say -60 db S/N on the Azden , it was specified at 600 ohm load , my mics are 250 , 200 , 150

it boasts 50 db gain , I was easily peaking the meters in Audacity , had to come down quite a bit . this is also the same sound you would get from your MD Line in from the Azden .

Edited by Guitarfxr
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I took the Axden back , But had a Heck of a time getting my money back , They only wanted to repair it , I explained that If I had had it 3 months and used it everyday and it broke ,..... ok Repair I agree , but to break in the first hour of me owning it , NO WAY , I do not want something that unreliable , we got into an argument , ......... I got my money back but let them know I would not be back .

So ,I do NOT buy anything from Azden , crappy stuff .

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Replaced with a M-Audio Firewire Solo ( Used) it was at Softmap , in the used dept. I downloaded the drivers reloaded it for Mac , hook up the Firewire , and started Audacity ........ Flawless , Could be a little more spacious sound wise , but it is workable.

it also works as a standalone , that is cool .....

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