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device/media not connected

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i'm running a mac os 10.3.9 with the software Hi-MD music transfer.

normally, when I plug my minidisc, it mount as an external disk (NO NAME) on the desktop, and the icon of the shortcut hi-md WAV importer is shown at the same time, and I can transfer without problem.

Last time, to disconnect the media, instead of dragging the disk NONAME in the trash, I dragged the shortcut of the program in the trash.

Now, I can't transfer any file of this minidisc because this icone is not shown anymore, and when I'm going directly in the program, it says :

device/media not connected

This problem ocures only with THIS minidisc, but I REALLY would transfer the files I have on this one..

Could anyone help me?

Thank you indeed in advance..

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First get "AppCleaner" for Mac ,....open AppCleaner , and then from Applications , drag the HiMd program to AppCleaner , and run it , it will search out all files associated with Sony , and trash them and use Secure Trash Delete , from the finder menu . ( In case one of the Sony files were corrupted )

Then Reinstall HiMD Transfer 2.0 , not 1.0 or 1.1 , go to downloads here and get 2.0 .

Macbook Pro C2D , & RH1

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