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If your on a Mac , and have AOL Radio , you can copy the song titles

Shift+Command+C will copy the song info from AOL Radio for whatever song is playing ( AOL needs to be your active window for this)

Then paste the info to Text Edit , or Omni Outliner , in List format , or Checkboxed

Then shorten the Song title , if you wish ( it will have Albumn title and all kind of info )

Then With the RH1 Your Tracks cleaned up , and commercials erased , markers in the right spots , Open MD Import

All the files show as "Untitled " Copy the first song title from your editor , then double klik the first filename in MD Transfer window , and Paste the song title , hit your enter key .

continue this for all titles and your done . Close MD Transfer , Eject the Md Icon on the desktop , push stop on the RH1 then unplug it from the USB , put on your 40elk remote

and watch the titles scroll

sweet , I just did two hours of stuff , which would have been ALL day on the Md itself titling from the remote . about 15 minutes .

And you can print the song list off afterwards to make a notebook of the songs

Edited by Guitarfxr
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