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Need help with NW-A1000 problem (File Transfer)

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First of all, hello all ! I'm new to this forum and unfortunately I've got a problem. I've always been a Sony fan, and still decided to buy an A1000 even though I read alot of complaints about software etc...but it seems that I already got a problem...

I got a Sony A1000 straight from the box. I installed the CONNECT Player software. I connect the A1000 with my pc using the USB-cable provided in the box. I then imported music into the Connect Library. But there it goes wrong....

I select songs and click on 'Transfer to a Device'... then I see the text 'Ready To Transfer'... but I can't get the files on my A1000 ! :( I've tried for hours now and I'm getting desperate...

What happens is:

The A1000 (connected with my pc through the usb-cable) says Connection Do not disconnect.... But it stays like that. The songs never arrive at the player..so I can only listen to some free songs that were on the player (standard). I can't listen to my Guns N' Roses music etc. Nothing. The CONNECT software says 'Reading Data 0%' and sometimes it says Updating Artist link or something...

Can anyone help me to get it working? I'm really desperate now... I wanted this player so badly because it looks so stylish...I kind of 'ignored' the negative comments on the internet about the software, but I'm getting more and more disapointed just because of the fact that I can't get songs on it.. If I read all the users on this forums talking about EQ's, other options, little details etc... I'm kind of jealous because I can't even listen to my music :(

I really hope someone could help me out. I just got my player today so :( On monday at 3 am I'm taking of for a schooltrip to Berlin...so if this isn't solved I won't be able to really relax over there :( I bought it to be able to listen to music when I travel :(

If anyone can help, please reply or contact me.

Kind regards,


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Yes, I've tried all my usb ports and it doesn't change anything to the problem. I don't know what I can do.

Maybe a reïnstall of the software would help?

Is it normal that the A1000 keeps saying Connecting - Do not disconnect?

I really would like to be able to get my music on the player through CONNECT, because I wan't the special features like artist link etc, thats also why I bought it.

I've tried more than 30 times now, and it doesn't work.

Does anyone know if it's normal that on the right side of the screen in CONNECT, the A1000 (under Library etc) is written in light gray? When I click on it I see alot of albums and songs with the text 'Ready To Export'...

In CONNECT it says Reading Data 0 % and it changes to Do not Disconnect every ten seconds or so.

I don't know if it would be usefull to try to install everything on my brothers pc? I never had problems with usb ports or software before.

Does anyone know some forum for this player of serie? Maybe theres a sony forum where people have asked these questions before? Coz I didn't find any and all the FAQ didn't resolve the problem.

Kind regards,


UPDATE: When I go to Preferences in Connect ---> Advanced it says Device not connected while it is connected..Could it be a problem with the usb ports? If so, is there any way to solve it? Some settings that I can change or some patch or anything?

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I can easily add an external harddrive to my pc.

The strange thing is, I tried changing ports, and with one of them I got the error that The usb device is not recognised etc.

But now in Windows Explorer there's a Removable Disk (H:) with a folder called OMGAUDIO and there you can find three folders (10F00, A_WM and CONNECT, also a buch of other files in there)

It's really strange.

If my PC doesnt recognise the A1000, what can I do about it?

UPDATE: I'm trying to reïnstall the software now. Don't know if it will help but I'll try it anyway. If anyone knows what to do please help me if you got some time. Any tips are welcome

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Does anyone know a forum where there are alot of users talking about Sony products?

I really need to solve this but I don't seem to find big forums with good chances to get my problem solved.

I'm quiet sure the problem is situated within the A1000...as it doesn't work either on my brothers pc...It doesn't recognise the device.. Neither does it show the player in the CONNECT software.

I'm really disapointed. I never believed people on the internet and in the press when they said the software was crap and that I had to stay away from it..I'm starting to believe that I made a mistake buying this player.

If anyone can help me, please reply.

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In my case, CONNECT insist to assign the first available logical drive letter to my A1000.

Eg, I have installed 2 internal DVD writers and 2 internal HDD (C, D, E, F), then CONNECT will only assign logical drive G to the A1000. Therefore if you have a USB device using letter G, then your PC and CONNECT will not recognize your device. You didn't mention if you have connected other USB device into your PC. If you do, then try re-assign your usb devices to other drive letters to allow your PC to recognize A1000. That's what I did to resolve.

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Does anyone know a forum where there are alot of users talking about Sony products?

I really need to solve this but I don't seem to find big forums with good chances to get my problem solved.

You are in those forums right now, no other english speaking forums have as much coverage for the new a series as atraclife.

first, whenever you connect the device, it will always say, connecting, do not disconnect on the screen on the player, that is how it is setup and that is how it will be, when stuff is transferring over, the screen will "flicker" on and off.

You said you installed the program on the cd, that's great and all, but did you update it? if you haven't, I suggest you do that first off, before importing any music, but the program usually updates itself, if it didn't, update it right away.

I myself, have 1 floppy, 1 internal hdd, dvd writer, and zip disk, plus, an external usb hdd, printer connected via usb, mouse connected via usb, webcam via usb, and a digi cam that i connect on and off to the same usb port as my sony hdd player, and have no problems what so ever.

if your windows xp isn't sp2, I suggest upgrading to sp2, it will solve many problems windows has. if you have already upgraded to sp2 and have the latest verison of connect, then I am not sure what the problem could be.

The unit should be detected in CP right away, and if it isn't swtiching usb ports usually solves that error.

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There are serveral things you can do.

1/ Update the firmware on the device to V2

2/ Update connect player to 1.03

3/ decide that Connect player 1.03 is no better than 1.0, 1.01, or 1.02, uninstall it, and install SonicStage 3.4

4/ decided that Sonicstage kinda works, but it still flakey.

5/ Phone the Sony helpline, and scream at them for releasing such cr@p software for such good hardware.

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I am similarly afflicted. PC will not recognise my NW-A1000.

Problem with the suggested fixes - can't run the upgrade if the PC won't recognise the device.

I have Sonic stage 4.0 installed and am running Windows XP (sp2).

How do I get the player recognised on my PC. It only wants to see it as a USB Mass Storage Device!

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