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old hp desktop song transfer

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i have an old hp pavillion desktop. that has a usb 1.1. i have never had problem with sonic stage 3.4 on the other 4 pc's i have it on. they are all newer but i cant believe the hp i want to run ss on is too old. it runs windows xp has all the service packs installed and 750mb ram and the hard disk is only 1/4th full. i still can only transfer 1 or 2 songs before it stops. therer are 2 usb ports on the front. i have not tried the ones on the back. does anyone have any experience with old slower pc'c. i have already tried converting the songs first then transfering them. it still does not transfer more than a song or two. it almost seems like there is a problem with the usb ports?

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i have an old hp pavillion desktop. that has a usb 1.1. i have never had problem with sonic stage 3.4 on the other 4 pc's i have it on. they are all newer but i cant believe the hp i want to run ss on is too old. it runs windows xp has all the service packs installed and 750mb ram and the hard disk is only 1/4th full. i still can only transfer 1 or 2 songs before it stops. therer are 2 usb ports on the front. i have not tried the ones on the back. does anyone have any experience with old slower pc'c. i have already tried converting the songs first then transfering them. it still does not transfer more than a song or two. it almost seems like there is a problem with the usb ports?

My previous (had since the late 90's) computer had a 300MHZ (PII), and it would run SS 3.4, yet painfully, very slow, with occasional lockups. More recently (after its motherboard demise) I threw together another computer out of a few old ones I had (for parts) and I installed SS 4.2. I figured I would just run with it until I get a chance to buy a new unit. However, it actually works so well (relatively speaking) that I have pushed back computer shopping for a few months now.

Anyway, the current computer I am speaking of has a 350 PII, with 192 mb of ram (it only had two slots) and lots of other mismatch stuff. Anyway, with SS 4.2 installed on this one, it works just fine. Don't get me wrong, when doing a transfer or conversion, the processor is running at 100%, but as long as I do these things while away from the conputer (meaning not running other programs simultaneously) all is good. Keep in mind however that I have Windows 2000 on it, so your using XP on that older computer is likely taxing its resources already, so running SS is likely too much for it, particuarly older (hungrier) 3.X versions.

Of course you never mentioned the processor in your HP, but if it is at least 300mhz (Pentium) and you use 98SE / 2000, you should be able to run 4.X SS just fine. However, you will want to make sure no software runs (simultaneously) from boot up, and you may even have to disable virus software when running SS, as those often also eat up resources too. But I would at least try going to 4.2 with yuor XP first before a complete OS redo...but make sure to run file conversion on all of your files (turn then into OMA) or you will loose access to them.

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