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Good quality Lavaliere mic for speech Minidisc mz rh1

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I am looking to buy a pro quality or very good Lavalier Microphone that would be

compatable with my Hi MD Minidisc MZ-RH1

I have a ECM MS 907 microphone which i know is not of professional level, but it is

excellent quality for what i am looking for. So i am hoping to find a Lavaliere which

will give me close or even better to this quality if possible, when matched to the minidisc.

When recording pauses of silence using the 907, the recording comes as 'real silence' with

no background buzz, hum or any other noise.

The voice I am recording, sounds very good, clear, and very near natural.

Can you suggest any Lavalier of similar quality that would be compatible with the HiMD

Mnidisc please?

Any Lavalieres i have tried already, all have some sort of background hum

which is very apparent during a pause of silence.

I am using it to record Poetry in a very quiet studio like environment, and looking

for a natural sounding recording of the voice, complete with the feeling of the voice

and sensuality of the voice.

There are many short pauses of silence between words, and phrases in the

reciting of the poetry.

I am using Adobe Audition to edit the recording, but would like to start by gathering the sound

using a lavaliere which can capture near natural, with as little noise as possible.

I would prefer a wired rather than wireless lavaliere.

Surely some of you guys must have actually used a lavalier to record quiet speech ?

I have already contacted Sony on this (SonyStyle and Sony Pro office) and have had no suggestions

from them.

Thanks in advance,


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When recording pauses of silence using the 907, the recording comes as 'real silence' with

no background buzz, hum or any other noise.

Any Lavalieres i have tried already, all have some sort of background hum

which is very apparent during a pause of silence.

I've also been using the 907 and am having the same problem with other microphones I try. I've been testing out the Sony ECM-DS70P and a similar mic from Sound Professionals as well as a pair of the SP binaural microphones. All three of those produce that sort of background hum that ths 907 doesn't. Any advice is appreciated.

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Just a thought but are you using AGC? I have recorded conversations in noisy places and AGC (un)helpfully pumps up the sound of ventilation fans, nearby conversations, dishes clinking and every other ambient noise when the person isn't talking. I'm going to try manual volume next time to see if I can lessen that.

Every mic has self-noise; better ones have much less. I'd be curious to see what happened if you tested your various mics by themselves in a quiet room, manual volume, with just enough gain so that talking into them gave you the same volume for each one.

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