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Access error / writing issues - blank spaces in songs

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I've owned a MZ-RH10 for almost 4 years now. I use it everyday for listening to mp3's, and recording rehearsals with my band. I also used it a lot in the past to tape shows I attended (around two per month over 3 years).

Sometimes, I had an "Access Error" message when I tried to transfer my recordings (in PCM or Hi-SP modes) with Sonic Stage. I could not transfer directly the track, but I could still get it by the analog way, plugging the Hi-MD player in the line-in of my computer. On the corrupted track, I would then get 1 second of silence in the middle of a song.

For the past 3 months, I get an Access Error for 80% of my recorded tracks. I transfer my recordings through the line-in of my computer, and the blank sections increase in number, and sometimes in length (maybe 5 - 10 seconds sometimes). And more recently, I have noticed that I also have blank sections in the mp3's I transfer from my computer the Hi-MD. I have bought a new disc, I still get the same errors.

I have searched with Google to find an explanation (and a solution), apparently the laser head is not as powerful as it used to be during the writing process. It can still write the Hi-MD discs, but here and there it fails to do it correctly.

Is there a way to correct this issue (cleaning the head, modify the factory) ?


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I have searched with Google to find an explanation (and a solution), apparently the laser head is not as powerful as it used to be during the writing process. It can still write the Hi-MD discs, but here and there it fails to do it correctly.

Is there a way to correct this issue (cleaning the head, modify the factory) ?

There are ways to modify the laser output in Service Mode firmware settings (to compensate output as the laser ages, etc), but just speaking for myself, I haven't gone into that area yet. I'm pretty sure I read some topics on it in the past.

Another possibility is the magnetic head not making contact with the disc properly causing recording to fail. Head cleaners may fix this, but as far as I'm aware, every time someone has tried a head cleaner here, nothing has been fixed :P

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