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NWHD5 issues

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hi, if these probs have already been addressed, sorry and please direct me to the post. if not.....

1 - is the mp3 file manager suitable for use w/ an nwhd5 player??

i was about to download a version however it appears as though its for the nwE series players.

2 - when you say "make sure mp3 file manager is installed on the device"... what is "the device"?! the comptuer or the music player? i'm not stupid but you just make things very ambiguous. one minute you refer to the comptuer, the next the player... then "the device"... whats up?

3 - how do i know if that microsoft .net framework is already installed on my computer?

4 - and finally, and i need a direct answer please, i'm having trouble sorting this one out, can i or can i not transfer ATRAC AND MP3 files from my player TO my computer. i have both types on my player and need to save them on my comptuer.


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Guest Stuge

Welcome to AtracLife!

1.)Mp3 File manager ver2 is fully compatible with HD5

2.)You don`t have to worry about that.Istaller will directly install Mp3 file manager ver2 on to the device (HD5)

3.) You chechk whether you have .net framwork or not via Add/Remove programs (Control Panel)

4.)You can use GYm to save the mp3 files onto your computer from the device .

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thanks for the help stuge...

so you're telling me that all the music i have on my player under ATRAC format, cannot be saved on to my computers hard drive?

this sucks. more than 75% of the music is ATRAC.

basically what i want to do is move all my music from the player (hd5) to my new computer. i loaded my player w/ music from my old comp, which i no longer have access to.

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Guest Stuge

so you're telling me that all the music i have on my player under ATRAC format, cannot be saved on to my computers hard drive?

Yes ,You are right Atrac files can`t be saved ...I hope you must be having cd`s or mp3 `s still with you .

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