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print a lable

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SonicStage is a poor program for that...

Playlist :

1) "MP3 2 MiniDisc" freeware : http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/Mp3_2_MiniDisc/

2) WinAmp [http://www.winamp.com/player/].Load Winamp, import your files, then click the Misc button twice to get the option Generate HTML Playlist. Set Winamp first to get what you want to have in your printing : track number + track title for example. Then use a screen capture freeware or copy your text from the web browser and paste it into your own Microsoft Word template, edit it and print it. If you want a complete design, export the text in "The Gimp" or Photoshop...

Label design only with Album title : use the Free exPressIt design software. http://www.pressit.com/free-cd-dvd-bluray-labels-covers-design-templates-gallery.html

More informations in my post http://forums.sonyinsider.com/index.php?showtopic=24699

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