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Track organization method PET PEEVE # 124

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Alright boys and girls, I got a bone to pick and it bugs the hell out of me.

So you organize all your tracks...by genre...by artist...by album blah blah blah

You have a gagillion tracks all organized and your ready to listen on the go.

You do a search via genre and you decide to go with CHILL. You select the genre and your get all your artists. You got telepopmusik, you got yout Jack Johnson, you got your Ministry of Sound,

You select Ministry of Sound to get to your albums....

WELL what comes up??? ALL tracks with artist Ministry of Sound. Not only just the CHILL albums, but you get your HOUSE albums, you get your DANCE albums.....IT SO ANNOYING!

Anyway I just wanted to vent out.

Thanks for listening to me rant.

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What are you referring to? Is that in any of the Walkmans? My A3000 doesn't do that. It narrows it down. For instance, I use the composer name in Genre. So if I choose Handel, then John Eliot Gardiner, I'll get only Gardiner's albums by Handel, not any of the many Bach's, Beethoven's etc that I have. The HD1 does the same, with the difference it doesn't show albums when you browse by genre, only artists and then tracks.

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What would be really nice is "Genre=> then choose -By Artist or -By Album"...

But sure, the organisation could be netter thought... or at least could be have more choices.

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What are you referring to? I......does the same, with the difference it doesn't show albums when you browse by genre, only artists and then tracks.

The problem I have is due to my artists labeled as MINISTRY OF SOUND and VARIOUS ARTISTS.

Ministry of Sound is quite possibly the largest collection of music I have, which can be considered to be in several genres: CHILL, DANCE, HOUSE, DISCO, CLUB.

Because of this when I select a genre, for example CHILL, gives me the artists that are associated with the particular genre. Once I pick the artist MINISTRY OF SOUND, I get all their albums which also include the ones that have been labeled as DANCE, HOUSE, DISCO, CLUB.

The same goes with my VARIOUS ARTISTS. I have ablums organized under SOUNDTRACKS, DANCE, VIDEO GAME. Searching under SOUNDTRACKS and selecting VARIOUS ARTISTS gives me all albums associated with the VARIOUS ARTISTS.

Does this make more sense for you?

To resolve this I know I could label the genre/album to something like MINISTRY OF SOUND - CHILL to better orangize, but this is just crazy. That would be like organizing and being anal to the 100th power!! ...and I am not about to does this for over 2 dozen albums, track by track.

Info on the Ministry of Sound series

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So it's what I understood. But my player doesn't do that. If I choose a genre, then an artist, it will show only albums by that artist within the selected genre. So various under soundtracks will not display the tracks or albums for other various that I have in other genres.

I'm jealous....I should get rid of my VP and buy the model you have. :D

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