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Which MD Player/Recorder to get

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I have the first consumer MD player/recorder that I purchased in 92 I think. It quit working a couple of years ago.

I would like to get another one. What is a GOOD player/recorder to get today that is fairly easy to find and reliable? It appears the Sony mds-ja555es is the best one out there, but it also looks like they are hard to find. I would like to know of the best ones to get that I would likely be able to locate within a couple of months of looking.

Thanks in advance.

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Check here : http://www.minidisc.org/equipment_browser.html

Type S (improvement of LP quality listening) MDLP deck will be better.

Type R if you prefer SP mode only like the Sony MDS-JA555ES. Preferably 24bit or 20bit. ES and JB are the best choice for Sony.

Hi-MD : portable units only, except two extremely rare Onkyo decks.

You can use http://www.oskope.com/ for an easy find.

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You need to define the main use of the machine, for a home based deck either the Sony 555 mentioned above or the JB940 which is what I have are reliable and do sound very good.

I'm inclined to think as portable recorders go look for the youngest with the features you need as they are statistically more likely to be 'much loved' being used in the field in all conditions and do take a blank plus a recorded desk and fully check before handing over money.

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