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Transferring MDs to PC via USB 2.0 (?) port

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I am new to the forum. Living in France, I used to have 2 MD players : one portable Toshiba and one Sony, fixed one. Both of them are dead (the Sony one, one of my kids plugged it on 220V whereas it was a Japanese model intended for 100/110 V !!!. I bought it back in 1997 when I was living in Tokyo).

I have a collection of MD's that I can't listen to anymore. I'd love to be able to convert them to MP3s to use on my PC or anywhere else.

Above all I am looking for a cheap solution but with reasonable quality anyway. Maybe not the top of the top of the quality but not too much quality loss.

I'm sure this must have been asked 100's of times but I haven't been able to find a solution, so I apologize in advance if this question appears like nuts.

Many thanks for reading me and for your help, much appreciated.

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there´s a cheap but time intensive way in playing them back with a player and record them onto your Pc.

And there´s the elegant but expensive way in buying a RH1 and transfer the Mds via upload.This can only be done with exact that model.

What amount of Mds you´re talking about? Maybe somewbody would do you a favour and upload em for you.

I could do this but not with very many discs..


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am french also and I live in Vietnam.

You can have advise here in french : http://laserdiscplaza.fr/forumld/viewforum.php?f=63&sid=3daae3a7b8a7b7b70dcedd649f9cc18d

If you cannot repair your MD player (Jim Hoggarth can help you on this forum), you have just to buy a new one with the help of www.leboncoin.fr or eBay. Depending of what kind of deck you are searching for (SP only, MDLP, MDLP type R, MDLP S... see minidisc.org for details), price will be between 0 to 150€, higher for high-end decks. This is the simplest solution of your problem. Real time recording using any line-out from your portable unit or getting a MZ-RH1 and upload all your tracks will need time and/or money (a second hand RH1 is really expensive as punkrockaddict said).

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