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Problems with HDD on NW-HD3.

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When i try to transfer 4,35 GB image files to the HDD on my NW-HD3 i am getting this message:

"The disk in the destination drive is full.

Insert a new disk to continue."

I have done it ones before, then with no trouble.

The Hard Disk is emty, have initialize the Hard Drive. (From the menue on the NW-HD3)

Small files have no problem to be transferred. (it is some space, mybe arond 4 GB that i can use. Total space is 18,6, it showes now 14,3GB free.

I have used GYM. Could that be a problem? Only prepeared for 100 songs.

Is it possible to format in a better way?

I need help!

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Guest Stuge

How do i do that? In SS 4.0 under the "Controls" - "Device/Media"-menu, "Initialize" is grey and can't be used.

First press "Menu " button ,then scroll down to "Format .Select Format & Initialize the hard disk .

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When i try to transfer 4,35 GB image files to the HDD on my NW-HD3 i am getting this message:

"The disk in the destination drive is full.

Insert a new disk to continue."

I have done it ones before, then with no trouble.

I have also tryed with many small files (<1,5GB) but I got the same message when the files total transferred was >3+GB.

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