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Missing Operating System

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I need some help.

Virus took over a laptop. I used Malware bytes and I was able to have it working fine, no issues. I put a flash drive to do a backup  before something happened and I let it working while I went to bed.

Around 4 am I woke up and went to check the backup and the laptop  had a black screen saying: Missing Operating System. I did not think of anything besides the fact that it may have restarted and tried to boot from the flash drive, so I turned off the computer. 

Next morning the message was there and I could not get anywhere, even Vaio Recovery Center Tools would not work. I used  Restore C:  and Restore Complete System and I keep coming back to the same place, same message. Diagnosis and hard drive tests were all ok, no HD failure.

I cannot make any sense of it, it feels like that my operating system vanishes by itself. It was working fine, no viruses and the backup progressing and working by itself. I did get some backup files in the flash drive and I can't tell if it is all of it.

Now I cannot restore to factory setting unless I order the disks.

What could have cause that if the virus have been taken out?


Thank you.


Computer: SONY VAIO  PCG-3B2L

Windows 7 Ultimate.

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Though this is not the proper forum for it, I can tell you the Master Boot Record may have been damaged by either the backup or the virus. Your only option as of now is to reinstall fresh. Forget about VAIO Recovery, as it seldom ever works, in my experience.

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