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Use iTunes to transfer to Walkman Phones

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This may be old news (and I apologize if it is) but I stumbled upon this program that lets you synch up your Walkman phones with iTunes. I don't know why, but I couldn't get the disc2phone software to list my mp3 folders in alphabetical order. It might be displaying them in date-imported order, but I got sick of digging through the them that way to find an album.

With this program, you can just make a playlist and send it over. I can confirm that it at least works for my W800i. A couple of notes: it will replace all of your music so if you want to keep one song or album, keep it on the playlist. Also (I think) the folder has to be labeled as "My Sony Device". I'm sure you programming people will correct me or tell me how to get around that. It's just as slow as D2P, but picking the albums to transfer is much easier with iTunes, in my opinion.

I like using SS for making CDs (and I have no choice for managing my HD3), but I have to admit, I use iTunes for perusing my library and listening at my desk. SS is just too slow for me. D2P was so annoying, I rarely changed out the songs on my phone.

Here's the address:


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