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Question about Music Ratings on the NW-A3000

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I haven't been using ratings up until now but I was selecting a bunch of songs for a party by rating them ***** so that I could simply shuffle all ***** rated songs. I did this on the walkman rather than in SSCP. When I was finished, I hooked up the walkman to SSCP so it could update the ratings. When I finished doing this and disconnected the walkman, when I selected by rating *****, I only saw 47 songs but when I looked at SSCP, I saw 168 songs with this rating. I was able to find *****-rated songs on the walkman that did not appear on the list when I selected by rating. In other words, I have no reason to suspect that any of these 168 songs are not ***** in the walkman. It just appears to be a problem with shuffling by rating.

I can work around this by making a playist in SSCP containing all 168 songs but has anyone else had any problems with shuffle by rating?

I am using SSCP 4.0 and firmware 3.0.

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