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Problem with my NW-A3000

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Oh crap, i think my NWA - 3000 is actually broken.. Last time i was listening to it it said some stuff about the library is mucked up (It has been very slow lately, even turning off in the loading up time..), and to connect to compliant software.. So today i plugged it in and opened up connect player *sigh* after 10minutes of loading... it started but.. it came up with a message about how my mp3 player could not be initialised.. So i think oh crap! I click ok, and turn it on and it starts doing the "Creating library" loading screen, but only one cube came up and it says that no library could be found. So i plugged it in again.. and got the same message.

Horrible cycle.. What should i do?

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Ok, first of all...

Check to see if the player is recognised as a UMS device, it should be if you are getting this far.

Then, literally, use search in windows or manually find all the .oma files (which is what your device-stored files are kept as on the internal HDD) - then copy em back to your main HDD and try importing them into SS (and see if it imports them ok).

If that works, then try wiping out the content of the NWA, you can literelly either use the player's format util on board it's software or wipe the content manually via drive access.

Then try transferring the content (the recovered content) back to your deck.

If the usual methods of recovering don't work, this has a pretty good chance of working.

Aint used it in the scenario you describe, but if it works for getting content off the drive after losing the SS library copies as it does for me, i'm sure you have a fighting chance here also with the method.

Well, you got nothing to lose by trying. and everything to gain :o)

Be Cool Always

'Tom Kat'

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