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Dani hi-md

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Hello! My HI-MD Sony MZ-RH910 it appears READ ERROR message on screen most of the time. Sometimes I hear the clicking noise of lens trying to focus the disc but whit no result. It has that problem on normal minidiscs, but the 1GB discs it read fine all the time. It takes 10 or more reads disc to disappear this message. My question is: is there a way to increase the laser diode power in service menu? or it is something else? What do you thing? I would be very grateful to you all! Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally decided to buy a Sony MZ-RH10 whit non working LCD for about 90Eu, but whit a good laser read and write mode. I have replace the mechanism one of each other, and everything is like new :) I am so glad. Something I've got to mention is that the motherboard of RH910 is A1 (platform I gues) and RH10 is A2. So even if the contacts from screen is the same, it will not work. So the only way is to replace the mechanism, which is the same.

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