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NW-HD5HS where can i get one?!

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Hey guys. I currently own the NW-HD5R which was a gift but I always wanted the 30g version when I had the cash. Now that I do it seems like every place is indefintely sold out and discontinued this model. Is there any place I could still try? I will consider anything as long as the unit is brand new/non refurb. Thank you.


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At this point, I'm pretty sure that ebay is your best option. The HD5/H was discontinued a while ago. If you can find one, and you don't mind using Sonicstage/Connect, then the HD5 is a great player.

[Edit - Of course, you already know that the HD5 is cool because you already own one! Whoops!]


Edited by navsimpson
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Hey guys. I currently own the NW-HD5R which was a gift but I always wanted the 30g version when I had the cash. Now that I do it seems like every place is indefintely sold out and discontinued this model. Is there any place I could still try? I will consider anything as long as the unit is brand new/non refurb. Thank you.


Hi ,

Welcome to AtracLife !

It will be really hard to find HD5H as it was a limited edition model .

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Thanks for the welcome. You guys have no idea how far I've searched through the net for this player. But I have my HD5 20gig and I love it still. Sound quality is unsurpassed, but the player is dinged, nicked and scratched all over. Sad no one makes a decent case for it, but I dont wanna spend 100 bucks on a vaja one thats bulky. I saw some japanese ones made by yoshida porter but obviously I can't purchase it here in the states on online. I'm really thinking i should just make the switch and move to the flagship hi md player, but I will really miss the interface I have on my hd5. Does anyone know if Sonys gonna come out with a new one based on the HD5 in the future because the new ones I have seen are so butt ugly (no offense to any owners). Personal preference.

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