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NW-A3000 and SonicStage CP 4.2: Artist Navigation Query

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I've finally switched to sscp from connect, now when I browse the mp3's by artist on my a3000 they all appear under etc instead of under the Letter search, it makes it harder to find the artist I'm looking for (my 1 atrac album appears in the correct list. yes I've re-initialiased the player etc.. sscp shows the artists correctly, what gives ?

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If you right-click on each album, there should be a listing for 'artist initial'. It's possible that the artist initial is blank for all your tracks. Unfortunately, I don't know a way to do a batch fix of this - you might have to go in and fix each one individually.

Hope this helps.


have checked this and it looks fine, this was fine in connect (one of the few things that worked)

I'm really screwed now, I re-installed connect to try and get this functionality back and when I click on Import folder in connect it just exits, no error message.

A year ago I would have been annoyed, now I think, that's Sony for you...

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have checked this and it looks fine, this was fine in connect (one of the few things that worked)

I'm really screwed now, I re-installed connect to try and get this functionality back and when I click on Import folder in connect it just exits, no error message.

A year ago I would have been annoyed, now I think, that's Sony for you...

:mellow::huh: I never had this problem With A1000 & SonicStage

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I've just finally given in and moved over to SSCP and have exactly the same problem. Not just with the alphabetisation of the albums, but also the artists.

One more annoyance in an almost full year of being subjected to these appalling attempts at software creation. If my music collection was MP3 I'd use WinAmp, but I'm largely WMA.

Ho hum...

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